The policy of Tri-State Stone is Curb Delivery Only. Requests for other types of delivery will be handled on a case by case basis, and, if we cannot fulfill your request, you must be able to take delivery at the curb or you will be responsible for delivery charges. This Includes requests for alley delivery. Parked cars, overhead limbs or utility wires, actual size or layout of street or alley are beyond our control. Our drivers are professionals and will do their best to fulfill your delivery requests, but the final decision, for reasons of safety, is up to the driver.
Consignee assumes all responsibility for any and all damages if anything beyond curb delivery is requested. Decision to proceed beyond normal curb delivery is at the sole discretion of Tri-State Stone and Building Supply, Inc and/or its agent(s). All delivery times are approximate and are subject to change.
Tri-State makes no warranties of merchantability and fitness for any purpose of products sold. All delivery times are approximate and subject to change.